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Miss Molly Coddle


My name is Miss Molly Coddle.

I'd like to tell you a bit about myself .


hermanns tortoise
mollys garden2020
tortoise hydration

I am a Hermanns tortoise.

Testudo Hermanni Boettgeri

I was hatched 24 August 2007.

My  parents were presumed wild caught in the Mediterranean but I was  hatched in UK.

I now live in Cheshire.

I enjoy the outdoor life from April to December.

I hibernate between December and March.

I eat wild plants that you might call weeds.

I also need calcium for my shell, cuttlefish or limestone flour is nice.

Nekton MSA has vitamin D in it . I have that about twice a week.

I also have a tray of water, I get right in to have a drink.

© 2023 by Molly Coddle. Proudly created with

These pages contain bits and pieces of information I have picked up from other more experienced keepers. It is intended as an insight into what I do with Molly not  an expert guide.

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A huge  thankyou to Shirley Neely and lots of  other tortoise mamas (&papas) for advice and expertise they have shared.

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