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Diet and supplements


It is important to remember that tortoises need a variety of plants to stay healthy.
This is just an example of some of Molly's favourite plants
. There are many more in the printable lists and on TheTortoiseTable  site


Ribwort Plantain

a good everyday feed containing calcium.




A favourite food, flowers and leaves, as part of a varied diet. It makes them wee, which is good for flushing out the system but not too much.




feed in moderation,a member of brassica family so contains goitrogens which interferes with absorbtion of iodene




A good everyday feed. It will grow all year round once established.




A moderate feed.

Grow from seed



Nekton Msa

Calcium and vit D

Tiny pinch on food twice a week, for shell health


broad plantain

Broad leaf Plantain

A good everyday feed contaning calcium



Sowthistle (prickly & smooth)

A good regular feed flowers and leaves


dog violet

Dog violet

A safe feed, similar to viola and pansy.




A good everyday feed, Molly only likes the flowers though.



Forget me not

A good feed early in the year.

Grow from seed, self seeds.



Cuttlefish bone and calcium flour

both are rich source of Calcium and should be freely available




TTT website has a searchable database and links to books and PDFs containing a wide variety of edible plants and a whole lot of other useful info


More information can be found on

The Tortoise table data base

an excellent way to identify safe plants for tortoises. Bear in mind, different species  have different dietary requirements. Molly is a Mediterranean tortoise ( not a fruit eating species )

Also Linda Kings book-Edible plants for Tortoises in the UK.

© 2023 by Molly Coddle. Proudly created with

These pages contain bits and pieces of information I have picked up from other more experienced keepers. It is intended as an insight into what I do with Molly not  an expert guide.

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A huge  thankyou to Shirley Neely and lots of  other tortoise mamas (&papas) for advice and expertise they have shared.

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